Continually evolving his manure delivery and spreading service has led one Scottish contractor to run three highly accurate Bunning spreaders applying a vast range…
Highly sophisticated manure spreaders have been growing the application business for Will Osgerby in East Yorkshire as his customers turn to increased precision to…
Trading in three smaller manure spreaders for two larger Bunning models has increased daily outputs, improved application accuracy and allowed variable rate application for…
A Bunning Lowlander 175HBD is helping Cambridgeshire arable grower James Sapsed to reduce his reliance on bought-in fertiliser and maximise the nutrient values from…
Application accuracy to 24m for a variety of manures has meant investment in five Bunning Lowlander 175 HBD spreaders for Adamson Contractors to ensure…
When William Miller’s new Bunning Lowlander 105 manure spreader arrived in December 2021, the price of bagged fertiliser was nudging £800/t, which placed even…